Selecting made simple

Type in the box below to see a list of suggestions.

Value chosen for this select : {{ styledValue }}
Keyboard Shortcuts

Use up and down to navigate the list, Enter and Tab to select a line

You can also click on an item in the list to select it.

Default Styling

By default, vue-select comes with zero styling.

See below for which classes to override to get the best settings.

Value chosen for this select : {{ unStyledValue }}


Name Type Purpose Required
suggestions String[] The list of suggestions that should appear in the dropdown.
value String Sets the initial value. False (defaults to an empty string)
placeholder String Sets the placeholder attribute of the input. False (defaults to an empty string)


Name Type Triggered
input String When the value in the select changes, either by typing or selection.

vue-select supports using the v-model syntax. The values will automagically by synced to the parent.


The following styles can be overridden to match the style of your page.


The entire list of suggestions.

Place a max-height to limit the height of the suggestion box.

.suggestions .suggestion

An individual suggestion.

Try the :hover pseudo-attribute to show which suggestion the user has their cursor over.

.suggestions .suggestion.selected

The suggestion that the user currently has selected.

Place a background-color to show which suggestion the user currently has highlighted.